Special Rapporteur on VAW: Domestic violence as a violation of human rights


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UN Special Rapporteur on violence against women, its causes and consequences

Thematic Report

The present report focuses on all forms of violence against women in the family.

Chapter I outlines the working methods of the Special Rapporteur and reports on the activities undertaken by the Special Rapporteur in the exercise of her mandate since the fifty-first session of the Commission. Chapter II is an introduction to the problem of violence in the family. Chapter III examines domestic violence as a violation of international human rights law. Chapter IV addresses the question of domestic violence and other forms of violence against women in the family, based essentially on the analysis of information received by the Special Rapporteur in reply to a note verbale of 29 July 1994, sent to Governments, United Nations organs, bodies and specialized agencies, as well as non-governmental organizations and women’s groups.  In Chapter V, the Special Rapporteur lists existing national legislation on domestic violence.  In chapter VI she analyses the legal mechanisms available in various countries in connection with which a framework for model legislation on domestic violence has been prepared (E/CN.4/1996/53/Add.2).  Finally, chapter VII contains recommendations on ways and means to eliminate violence against women in the family, along with its causes, and to remedy its consequences.

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