Special Rapporteur on Minority Issues Report to the HRC 31st Session


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This report to the Thirty-first session of the UN Human Rights Council (February/March 2016) by the Special Rapporteur on Minority Issues covers the following areas:

  • Country Visit to Brazil
    • Afro-Brazilians, including Quilombos and other traditional communities
    • Brazilian Roma
    • Religious communities of African origin, including Candomblé and Umbanda communities
  • Minorities and discrimination based on caste and analogous systems of inherited status
  • Specific areas of impact of discrimination in caste-based and analogous systems
    • Civil and political rights
    • Economic, social and cultural rights
  • Situation of caste-affected women and girls
  • Initiatives and good practices to address caste-based discrimination
    • United Nations system
    • National legislation and special measures
    • Civil society initiatives
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