AWID, CIVICUS, ISHR, Palais des Nations, Room XXIV, Geneva, Switzerland
Monday 13 June, 13:00- 14:30
Unwarranted restrictions on civil society space represent a fundamental impediment to eliminating systemic violence and discrimination women human rights defenders (WHRDs) are subject to because of their identity and their work. Violence and gender based discrimination against women and girls from both state and non state actors limits their capacity to participate fully and effectively in society and in the development of their communities. Civic space restrictions prevent WHRDs and feminist organisations from participating in policy- and decision-making processes to end violence and systematic gender based discrimination.
The panel provides a critical ingress to discuss how an enabling environment for WHRDs and feminist organisations should be implemented as a central component of combating all forms of violence against women and girls. The panel consists of three women human rights defenders who will share experiences on their work on LGBT issues in Tunisia, the protection of WHRDs in Guatemala and legal assistance to survivors of violence against women in Afghanistan. The UN Special Rapporteur on Violence Against Women, Dubravka Simonovic will share her visions on ending violence against women in relation to WHRDs.
Refreshments will be provided.
Inroductory Remark by Catherine Godin (Permanent Mission of Canada)
Moderator: Sara Katrine Brandt (CIVICUS)
Event hosted by the Association for Women’s Rights in Development (AWID), and the International Service for Human Rights (ISHR)
Contact Renate Bloem: renate.bloem@civicus.org
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