

Global Day of Action Against Racism and for the Rights of Migrants, Refugees and Displaced People


Worldwide |http://globalmigrantsaction.org/

Opening borders and welcoming those who flee war and misery, searching for a better future is an answer to the terror and fear sown by terrorists’ bombs.

Instead, many Nations in the North of the planet, along with the mass media, feed into this terror and fear, transforming migrants and refugees into the enemy from whom we must protect ourselves, and then sealing and militarizing their borders even more.

Opening borders is an answer that could foster the creation of true solidarity between those who were born in a particular land and those who arrived there from elsewhere; solidarity based on the affirmation of a society in which there are rights for all persons.

The final assembly of the 2010 World Social Forum on Migration called for a Global Day of Action. Our aim is to continue to give visibility to all initiatives taking place throughout the world that demonstrate against racism and promote human and civil rights for migrants, refugees, and displaced people.

Because asserting their rights means asserting the rights of all men and women!

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