OURs at the AWID Forum: “Demystifying and Shaping International Protections on VAW and Discrimination against Women”

Join the experts and staff of the UN Working Group on Discrimination against Women and the UN Special Rapporteur on Violence against Women for an open conversation to learn more about our international rights and how we can co-create an international framework that reflects our lived realities and needs.

This session will take place at 11:30-13:00 on 10th September in self-directed space of the Women Human Rights Defenders Hub at the AWID Forum 2016.

AWID Forum: “Gender Justice Activism and International Human Rights Caucus”

Join us for an open dialogue on the challenges we face together and the new opportunities we can create as activists connecting with human rights mechanisms and actors. We will come together to explore and create new rights futures on days 2 and 4 of the AWID Forum (9th September and 11th September)

Find out more about spaces for strategic engagement and agenda-setting in conversation with UN policy actors, and explore key questions such as:

  • How do we make international human rights spaces more useful and accessible to all feminist activists?
  • Who is getting left out of gender justice movements – locally, nationally and internationally – and how can we include them?
  • What would it mean in practice to have more effective feminist engagement with human rights systems under attack by anti-rights/conservative actors?
  • Do we need to be more radical in IHR spaces?  Are we too respectable?

Get in touch and find out more! Email nshameem@awid.org

9th Sept (Day 2): 13:00-14:30

11th Sept (Day 4):  12:30-14:00

OURs at the AWID Forum: “Push Back and Step Forward – Our Human Rights at Risk”

Well-funded coordinated opposition to gender justice has increased in intergovernmental spaces, threatening human rights gains. What happened? And how can we reclaim our rights in this context? This discussion will connect the dots between state and non-state players; across regions and between national and international levels; and between shrinking space for civil society and erosion of sexual and reproductive rights.
Presented by: Marisa Viana, Juan Marco Vaggione, Mirta Moragas and Karima Bennoune
Time: 11:30 AM–1:00 PM, 8 September, 2016 
An Observatory on the Universality of Rights (OURs) session at the AWID Forum.

OURs at the AWID Forum: “How Can We Reclaim Our Rights? – Universal Human Rights and the Fierce Backlash of Religious Fundamentalisms”

This session will publically launch the Observatory on the Universality of Rights (OURs) initiative and its first trends report on the impact of religious fundamentalisms on the international human rights system.

The session will open with a visual presentation illustrating key concerns being addressed by the OURs project and the trends report. We will then open up a discussion regarding the ways in which conservative actors are using arguments based on religion, culture, and tradition to undermine the universality and indivisibility of human rights standards, and move into a critical reflection on the growing and important influence of these actors in international human rights spaces, their organizing and collaboration and their tactics, and strategic opportunities and challenges that lie ahead for gender justice movements.


  • Zainah Anwar, Musawah
  • Cynthia Rothschild, Independent expert/WHRD-IC
  • Carrie Shelver, CAL
  • Naureen Shameem, AWID

Time: 11:30 AM–1:00 PM, 9 September, 2016

This session will be a collaborative effort planned by the OURs Working Group.

World Social Forum 2016 - logo

World Social Forum 2016

August 9 – 14, 2016

The goal of the WSF 2016 is to gather tens of thousands of people from groups in civil society, organizations and social movements who want to build a sustainable and inclusive world, where every person and every people has its place and can make its voice heard.

13th AWID International Forum

8-11th September, 2016

Register now and see you in September!

In Brazil and across the globe, every day our communities are experiencing growing levels of repression, inequality, instability, polarization, and violence.

And every day we are resisting, organizing, imagining, and working for rights and justice.

In this context, the Forum will be a vital and historic global gathering of women’s rights and social justice activists and movements to learn from and strategize with each other, strengthen solidarity, and leverage our diverse, collective power for feminist futures.