Central and Eastern Europe – Development Agenda: Post-2015 Women’s Coalition


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Advocacy Brief

The year 2014 marked the 20th anniversary of the Cairo International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) which adopted a 20-year Program of Action.

The recent UN Secretary General’s report on “Recurrent themes and key elements identified during the sessions of the Commission on Population and Development” confirms the linkage between SRHR and poverty, engaging adolescents and youth, achieving gender equality, reducing gender-based violence, and the critical importance of adopting human rights-based approaches to future development.

Sexual and reproductive health and rights cut across the economic, social and environmental components of sustainable development and are key components of the measures that must be taken to respect and protect human rights, empower women and young people, particularly adolescent girls, and eliminate inequalities, which are still persistent in the region of Central and Eastern Europe.

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