Musawah Toolkit for Advocates: Chapter 1


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The Musawah Toolkit for Advocates is a compilation of texts that explain and expand the Musawah key messages. It is a tool for building knowledge and mobilising (doing advocacy) on equality and justice in the family.

Chapter 1 introduces the Musawah key messages and principles. It also deals with Musawah as a movement, its origins and objectives.


Table of Contents

  1. Musawah’ s Hope for Equality
  2. Musawah Key Messages
  3. The Musawah Principles
  4. Why ‘Musawah’?
  5. Global
  6. Movement
  7. Equality in the family
  8. Equality and Justice in the Muslim Family are Necessary
  9. The Time for Equality and Justice is Now!
  10. Holistic Framework
  11. Equality and Justice in the Muslim Family are Possible
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