Musawah Toolkit for Advocates: Introduction


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The Musawah Toolkit for Advocates is a compilation of texts that explain and expand the Musawah key messages. It is a tool for building knowledge and mobilising (doing advocacy) on equality and justice in the family.

In order to build our movement and reach out to as many women and men as possible, Musawah want to make these principles and arguments accessible, and show how they are relevant to local activism. This resource also is to be shared with other activists, potential allies, media, policymakers, and women and men affected by the issues what our movement is about and what it does.

  • The Musawah key messages, a statement of our Hope for Equality, and the Musawah Principles;
  • Explanations for the main terms in the key messages and the Musawah Framework;
  • Suggested activities for you to do on your own or with a group of Advocates or your constituencies, to start thinking about Musawah and discussing its approach;
  • Suggested follow-up activities like accessing audio-visual clips of Musawah Advocates speaking about their experiences and ideas; information to find out or to research to do and share with other Advocates; resources to read and websites to check out.
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