Catholics for Choice Opposition Watch: World Congress of Families 2009, Day 3

The World Congress of Families is a US-based right-wing religious initiative that exports homophobia and sexism globally.  This report summarizes and analyses the third day of the 2009 World Congress of Families. It highlights sexism, anti-choice, anti-feminist and homophobic commentary from speakers.

Catholics for Choice Opposition Watch: World Congress of Families 2007, Day 3

The World Congress of Families (WCF) is one of the key driving forces behind the U.S. Religious Right’s global export of homophobia and sexism.

From its headquarters in Rockford, Illinois, WCF pursues an international anti-choice, anti-LGBTQ agenda, seeking to promote conservative ideologies—and codify these in regressive laws and policies—that dictate who has rights as “family,” and who doesn’t.

This brief summarizes Catholics for Choice’s views on the third day of the World Congress of Families session, 2007. It expresses concerns over speakers’ views, which are anti-choice and sexist.

Catholics for Choice Opposition Watch: World Congress of Families 2009, Day 1

The World Congress of Families is a US-based right-wing religious initiative that exports homophobia and sexism globally. This report is the first in a series of “Opposition Watch” briefs by Catholics for Choice, which uncovers the speakers and events at the World Congress of Families, 2009. This first-day brief analyses various speeches made at the Congress and highlights anti-choice, anti-health, sexist, and puritanical rhetoric embedded in the same.

Catholics for Choice Opposition Report: World Congress of Families 2012, Day 1

This report, from Catholics for Choice, gives an insight into the speakers and goals outlined on the first day at the World Congress of Families in Madrid in 2012. The report covers topics including the selection of anti-choice and homophobic speakers, as well as sessions that worked against UN principles of equality and inclusion.

An Overview of Fundamentalist Groups in Peru

Authors: Jaris Mujica and Mauricio Cerna for PROMSEX

This report by PROMSEX, hosted by AWID, describes the nexus of religion, politics, and right issues in Peru. It explains the characteristics of fundamentalisms in the country, their impacts on public policy, the descriptions and positions of various religious groups in Peru, and how pro-rights strategies must be geared to face religious fundamentalisms to initiate change.

Challenging Religious Fundamentalisms in Mexico: The Separation of Church and State and Reaffirmation of Women’s Sexual and Reproductive Rights

Author: Elizabeth Placido for Católicas por el Derecho a Decidir, Mexico

This report, by Católicas por el Derecho a Decidir, Mexico, analyzes the impact of Catholic fundamentalisms on the Mexican state. It calls for a constitutional reform to prevent strong influences by the Catholic Church in state affairs, and describes the history of religious fundamentalisms in Mexico, civil society actions to create reforms, and the lessons derived from these actions.

Associazione Luca Coscioni and the World Congress for Freedom of Scientific Research Case Study: An Italian Experience of Resisting Religious Fundamentalisms

Authors: Carmen Sorrentino for the Luca Coscioni Association

This report, by the Associazione Luca Coscioni and the World Congress for Freedom of Scientific Research, discusses the impact of religion and religious organizations (in Italy, specifically the Vatican and Catholic Church) on public health policy and scientific regulations. This includes impacts on reproductive rights, stem cell research, and assisted reproductive technologies. It also discusses the strategies employed by the Associazione Luca Coscioni to bring attention to, and reform, these issues.