Associazione Luca Coscioni and the World Congress for Freedom of Scientific Research Case Study: An Italian Experience of Resisting Religious Fundamentalisms

Authors: Carmen Sorrentino for the Luca Coscioni Association

This report, by the Associazione Luca Coscioni and the World Congress for Freedom of Scientific Research, discusses the impact of religion and religious organizations (in Italy, specifically the Vatican and Catholic Church) on public health policy and scientific regulations. This includes impacts on reproductive rights, stem cell research, and assisted reproductive technologies. It also discusses the strategies employed by the Associazione Luca Coscioni to bring attention to, and reform, these issues.

Confronting Catholic Fundamentalisms in the Former Soviet Union: The Case of Lithuania

Authors: Virginija Aleksejune, Margarita Jankauskaite, and Vilana Pilinkaite-Sotirovics for the Center for Equality Advancement

This report examines fundamentalisms in Lithuania in the context of EU-driven pushes to eliminate discrimination in various forms, and against various groups. It contextualizes the influence of Catholicism, how religion often influences politics, the co-optation of “family” as a figure in fundamentalist discourses, and the role NGOs play in countering fundamentalism in the country.

Challenging the Power of the Serbian Orthodox Church in Public Life: The Case of Women in Black-Serbia

This report, by Women in Black, analyzes religious fundamentalisms in Serbia. It takes a historical look at the influence of religion in Serbian public and political life, how fundamentalist discourses affect women, and the steps taken by Women in Black to counter local fundamentalisms. It also suggests steps other civil society actors could use in their own campaigns, and suggests steps for the future.

Christian Fundamentalisms and Women’s Rights in the African Context: Mapping the Terrain

Author: Jessica Horn for AWID

This report discusses the history and impact of Christian fundamentalisms on women’s rights across Africa. It discusses the different denominations of Christianity in the region, influences and impacts of religion on women and gendered issues, how fundamentalist churches and organizations raise money, and how they impact health issues. This report is a resource for anyone interested in an overview of Christian fundamentalisms across Africa and their analyses in the context of gendered issues and rights.

A Global Outlook: Religious Fundamentalisms and Women’s Rights

Author: Challenging Religious Fundamentalisms team, AWID

This is a short informational presentation put together by the Challenging Religious Fundamentalisms team at AWID. It explains what religious fundamentalisms are, how they operate, how they are used to propagate human rights violations, and covers different contemporary fundamentalisms using multiple case studies.

Not as Simple as ABC: Christian Fundamentalisms and HIV and AIDS Responses in Africa

Author: Jessica Horn for AWID

This AWID report investigates how Christian fundamentalisms affect HIV and AIDS responses across Africa, such as impacts on sexual health discourses and prevention and treatment policies. It looks at fundamentalist actors and their strategies, how they create economic and policy impacts, and the creation of homophobic discourses in the region. It is also a key resource to analyze the steps that could be taken to understand and counter these fundamentalisms.

African Union: Maputo Protocol on the Rights of Women in Africa

This document chronicles the AU’s determination to work towards the protection and promotion of women’s rights. It calls for the elimination of discrimination against women, the right to life and security, elimination of harmful practices, and access to justice and equal protection before the law, among other issues.

African Union Social Policy Framework for Africa

This framework aims to aid and contribute to the development of national-level policy programmes targeting social issues. It covers eighteen thematic issues, including gender equality and environmental sustainability. It also stresses on effecting monitoring and implementation to assure the success of these programmes.